
Welcome to Fern Mead Primary School! We hope you enjoy your visit.

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We are delighted to introduce you to Fern Mead Primary School set on the door step of the AshdownForest.

As a rural town school we aim to provide our pupils with a broad and varied curriculum in a safe and friendly community.

Children start school with a wealth of knowledge and intrigue and we aim to build on this and provide the children with experiences and challenges to foster their love of learning.

We are very proud of our school and have a dedicated team of staff, governors and parents/carers who work closely as a community with the children. The link between home and school is very important to us to ensure you are part of your child’s learning at school and home.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide the best opportunities and experiences for our children both in their education and socially to encourage children to harbour a love of learning for their future.


  • Respect
  • Life long learning
  • Motivation
  • Friendship
  • Community

Our world is constantly changing and developing and we want to ensure children are equipped with the skills and attitudes that will encourage them to adapt throughout their life.

At Fern Mead school we want children to really value the world they live in and play a valued contribution to society.

If you wish to have a tour around the school please contact the office and we very much look forward to meeting you.